【GENSO Creator’s Program】
UGC Contest
Simple way to create your own 3D design!
*This is just one way of doing it. Feel free to use other methods as well.
To all Genso Knights! We are looking for your 3D model design that will be turned into a Cosplay Equipment
that can
be used on GensoKishi Online!
Send your design to us. We look forward to seeing your design come to life!
1st UGC Contest
- Period
- Entries are now closed.
- Voting Period
- Voting period has ended
- results will be announced
- Friday, July 28, 2023
- USDT Rewards
- Scheduled for mid-August 2023
- NFT Mint
- Scheduled for mid-August 2023
- Title
- curse stick
- By:
- 3Dサーファー
- Part
- R hand
- About
- 毒々しい色見の呪いの棒。
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oI7ot
- Creator SNS
- none
- Title
- Ricky's Shield
- By:
- Ricky_Gomez
- Part
- L hand
- About
- We created this shield in the image of a Western-style shield! I am an amateur, but I did my best to create it!
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://sketchfab.com/3d-models/3d-model-9fafacfbe0524c14ae12ca1dd52226fb
- Creator SNS
- none
- Title
- STOP Tomato Shield
- By:
- ろうず
- Part
- L hand
- About
- リコピンを豊富に含んだそのシールドは、いかなる敵をも一時停止させてしまう。さぁ、しっかり左右を見て安全確認だ!
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oIs6X
- Creator SNS
- https://twitter.com/rosesakura9999( Twitter)
- Title
- niji-gasa
- By:
- mellmell
- Part
- Shoulder
- About
- 虹のついた傘
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oIsrC
- Creator SNS
- none
- Title
- fu-sen
- By:
- mellmell
- Part
- Shoulder
- About
- 遊園地で憧れの風船
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oIsrS
- Creator SNS
- none
- Title
- Splash MayoSword
- By:
- ろうず
- Part
- R hand
- About
- いつも通りの朝の食卓。 「あなた、サラダが出来たわよ。」 「ありがとう、そういえば昨日ちょっといいのを買ったから、かけて食べようよ。」 おもむろにその封をあけた私の胸と、その容器は、 きっと期待に膨らみすぎていたのだろう。 広がる緑の大地にひとつも着地することなく、いびつな弧を描いた淡い黄色の軌跡。 「・・・あきれた。」 まるでファンタジーの世界の剣みたいだ。 だらしなくも魅力的に身をむきだしたその剣に、 ありったけの甘酸っぱい感情を詰め込み、冒険の旅に出かけることにした。 ええ、私にとっては朝飯前である。
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oIsDt
- Creator SNS
- https://twitter.com/rosesakura9999( Twitter)
- Title
- Raijin Dram Genso Ver
- By:
- エンペラーヒロ
- Part
- Shoulder
- About
- 雷神太鼓の元素騎士バージョンです。『火』『水』『風』『土』『光』『闇』を配置してみました。エレメンタルパワーにより、遠くからでも仲間たちに認識してもらえます(笑)
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oI9xT
- Creator SNS
- @c9BCel4Wl01JMd8( Twitter)
- Title
- Raijin Dram Maxi Ver
- By:
- エンペラーヒロ
- Part
- Shoulder
- About
- 雷神太鼓のMaxi社長バージョン。Maximumを日本語にした『最大』『極限』に知勇兼備の社長をイメージして『武』『知』を加えました。『最大武』=最強の戦闘力、『極限知』=究極の知性としてみました。かなり空気を読んだ作品です(笑)
- 3D Model (SketchFab URL)
- https://skfb.ly/oI9zG
- Creator SNS
- @c9BCel4Wl01JMd8( Twitter)
How to Vote
- -You need a "Creators Program #1 Voting Pass” NFT to vote.
- -One "Creators Program #1 Voting Pass" NFT will be consumed per vote.
- -Please vote only once for each entry, only one vote per entry will be valid.
*Please note that we do not offer refunds for accidental multiple votes on the same work. - -Those who voted for the Grand Prize NFT will receive the Grand Prize NFT!
- -Those who voted for the Maxi Award NFT will receive the Maxi Award NFT!
- ■Voting Process and Precautions
- ①A pop-up will appear requesting permission to operate MetaMask. Click "Confirm."
- ②Then, another pop-up will appear. Click "Confirm" to proceed with the vote.
- ③After voting, a pop-up will appear asking to revoke the operation of MetaMask.
- ※To confirm the success of the voting process, you can check by clicking the "Voted" sorting menu in the "Entry List" section.
- ※Please note that the voting process may take a few minutes to complete.
Where to get the Voting Pass
The NFT "Creators Program #1 Voting Pass" will be granted as a little gift when you purchase from the NFT
premiering exclusively for this event. The timing of the gacha sales will be announced separately.
Here is the gacha where "Creators
Program #1 Voting Pass" is given as a bonus.
The Voting Pass is an exclusive voting pass that can be used only for this event. Please be sure to use it
during the valid
- -System-wise, you will be able to vote multiple times for each work. HOWEVER, please note that only one vote per entry will be valid.
- -Consumed Voting Pass NFTs cannot be returned.
- -Please refrain from insulting people’s entries.
- -If a problem is found in an entry, we may exclude it from the entry during the contest period. Please note that if an entry is excluded, the votes casted will also be made invalid.
- Q. Can I vote for all the entries?
- A. Yes. Please use up your Voting Pass NFT during the contest period, as they will be made invalid after the contest is over.
- Q. If the entry I voted for is chosen as the Grand Prize, when do I get it?
- A. The NFTs will be sent at a latter date, approximately 2 months from the announcement.
Rights and Disclaimers
All entrants and voters are deemed to have agreed to the Terms and Services of GensoKishi Online and the NFT License