Metaverse(MV) can be purchased on various cryptocurrency exchanges.
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Information on Metaverse(MV)

MV stands for Metaverse. It is the name of the currency used outside the service to form the Metaverse. By owning MV points, you can have various rights inside and outside the service.
- ・Function to buy fashionable equipment at a bargain price
- ・Right to power up fashionable equipment
- ・Function to buy various paid items at MV exclusive prices(items for developing the service)
- ・Voting right to decide the policy of this service
- ・Function to stake MV(function to deposit MV and receive ROND as rewards)
- ・Right to participate in the closed a-test and closed B-test
- ・Right to make and provide fashionable equipment (UGC function)
(Only for those who are staking MV above a certain amount)
* Support for updates after the service starts - ・Right to participate in the auction of the right to make lands and monsters
(Only for those who are staking MV above a certain amount)
* Support for updates after the service starts - ・Purchase the right to make land and monsters
- ・Commission for in-service trades