Important] NFT and FT Export [Added 1/26]

Important] NFT and FT Export [Added 1/26]

We are currently unable to export NFT and ROND.

We initially thought that this was due to instability in the Polygon network, but we have learned that the problem was caused by trouble with the network equipment, and we are currently working on restoring the network.

We apologize for the inconvenience, but at this time we are unable to export NFT and ROND, and will switch the export screen to a maintenance status.

As of January 26, 2023, we will temporarily release the maintenance of the export and check the operation, but we have not yet completed the operation check.

Also, during the ROND export process, the bank's mROND is temporarily seized.
Therefore, those who are waiting for the export process to be completed will have their mROND temporarily reduced from the bank, but those who have successfully exported their ROND will receive their ROND.
If the export of ROND fails, mROND will be returned to the bank. 

Thank you very much for your cooperation.

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