[Official Website Renewal] Featuring Player Uploaded Videos on the Top Page

[Official Website Renewal] Featuring Player Uploaded Videos on the Top Page

We are excited to announce that the GensoKishi Online official website will be updated with even more content to enhance our player experience on the website!

The renewed homepage will introduce videos featuring GensoKishi as thumbnails and players will be able to access these videos with ease to see how other users are enjoying the game.

The player videos are curated by the admin team and will be updated on an irregular basis, so that all players will be able to enjoy their visit to the official website.

We have additional plans to enhance our content on the website, so please make sure to visit our site regularly!

■ An ever-evolving Official Website featuring videos created by our players!

The renewed homepage will randomly display videos that users have uploaded on their own that were curated by the admin team.

The new website embraces the concept of building the GensoKishi universe together with our users, and website visitors will be able to interact with these amazing videos being uploaded by our players on a daily basis.

By clicking on a video thumbnail, it will take the viewer to the video link or to the video contributor's webpage.

■ Genso Creators Unite! Submit your videos here!

If you are a content creator and would like to have your videos featured on our website, please apply through the page here. We will be selecting videos from the submissions, and will update them on an irregular basis.

※ Please be aware that all videos will be selected and posted on the website at our discretion. After your submission, please be aware that there will not be any contact regarding your video feature.

※ The admin team will also be looking for creative content posted on social media, and feature on our website.

■ Future Update Plans

We plan to conduct the following future updates to enhance our user experience:

  • Adding an event Archive Page
    • GensoKishi takes part in many events around the world, and will be adding a special webpage to provide players with updated reports on the contents of such events.
  • Adding an introductory page for GensoKishi Online’s universe
    • We are planning to add a page that summarizes the game's universe along with how to play the game.

The Gensokishi Online Project will continue providing exciting updates for enthusiasts of cryptogames.

◆ Gensokishi Online -META WORLD- Community

Official Site : https://genso.game/
Twitter : https://twitter.com/genso_meta
Discord : https://discord.gg/gensometaverse
LINE : https://lin.ee/fRx2vvE
Telegram(English) : https://t.me/gensometamain
Telegram(Chinese text) : https://t.me/gensometazw
Telegram(Japanese) : https://t.me/gensometajpn