Breaking News: YGG GAP Season 7 GENSO Quests Extended Until Season 8

From one Guild Advancement Program Season to another, ALL GENSO Quests will be officially extended, due to popular demand, from Season 7 until Season 8, slated to begin on November 13, as of the last update from YGG team. From the launch date, the new season will run for a total of six weeks. This extension also includes players from the Japan region, encouraging greater participation and inclusivity within the YGG and GENSO community. However, quests completed by Japan region players before November 1 will not be counted.
For Asia/Singapore Region Players: September 30, 10UTC - End of YGG GAP Season 8
For Japan Region Players: November 1, 10 UTC - End of YGG GAP Season 8
Season 8 End - Hard date to be announced in a separate announcement.
- Relaxing of Fast Lane to 23 Quest: Originally, the quest for Fast Lane to 23 quest requires players to level up their base class characters to 23. This was found to be challenging especially for new players. To meet demands, this quest is now adjusted to level up the base class characters to level 20, and will be renamed Fast Lane to 20. Application period will be towards November 1 onwards. No changes will be made for the YGG points allocation of this quest. Questers who has already attained level 20 may pass their submission forms November 1 onwards.
- Unified Leaderboards: Cosplay and Base Reforging Quest Leaderboards from all regions will be merged, enhancing competition across regions. Updates to the leaderboards may also be seen through these 2 Genso Official Discord channels from time to time:
JP Leaderboards
SG Leaderboards
- Optional Premium Quest: Participation in the Premium Quest of GENSO is now optional. Players need only complete the standard quests to qualify for the $48,000 prize pool. However, note that Premium Quest participants can earn rewards, including mROND tokens and exclusive and limited 2 part YGG UGC NFTs for the top 100, while the rest still gets the 2 part YGG UGC NFTs.
- Regional Quest Restrictions: Players must complete certain quests within their designated regions. Switching between regions for quests is not permitted for easier tracking for ALL Reforger Kings, Fast Lane to 23, and Ultimate Tower Beast quest, must be completed within a specific region only.
- Reward Claims: Players cannot claim double the rewards for the same quests completed in Season 7 when Season 8 begins. YGG rewards can now be claimed in real-time, as compared to previous seasons where rewards are claimed at the end of the season, while GENSO prizes will be distributed at the end of Season 8.
- Registration: When registering for the YGG GAP Platform, ensure to use the same email as your GENSO game account to prevent auto-rejections that happens when runned through the API checking of YGG.
Here is also a guide made by AI Chan, a user from the community, for registrations on YGG GAP platform. Kindly see 2 minutes onwards of the video.
- Submission Process: Submissions for the forms require accurate information, as edits cannot be made post-submission. Discord linking with the platform is also a must to claim rewards and avoid exploits and double entries. Always select the correct region (Japan or Asia/Singapore) when submitting quests.
In case of incorrect information passed in forms for submissions users can still appeal, but this could take time for approval.
Users may open a ticket in the Official YGG Discord and ask for the game manager, AC | YGG with user name decipher0 and Discord User ID: 743487833930727514 to reject the previous submissions, so a new submission can be made again.
- Deadlines: Submission forms for completing quests on Season 7 will close on November 3. This will again reopen on November 13, marking the start of YGG GAP Season 8. Players whose forms were approved in Season 7 cannot submit the same form in Season 8. However, those whose forms were not approved may resubmit in Season 8. Players are encouraged to start or continue working on their quests and submit their forms for Season 8 as soon as they become available on November 13.
With these enhancements, the GENSO Quests are set to create an engaging and dynamic player community. GENSO will also collaborate with YGG on various marketing efforts! Stay tuned for more updates as Season 8 approaches!
1. For more details and guides about the quests see our previous announcement and here.
2. For more details about YGG Guild Advancement Program, see previous annnouncement here.
3. For more queries about the quests, users may also inquire via the Official GENSO Discord channel here. Users may feel free to use their local language, as there is a translator bot made specifically on this channel for this purposes.